JAMD – The Journal of AMD

The JAMD, was launched in 1998 as a simple bulletin (AemMeDi) within the Association of Diabetologists (AMD). Starting from 2009, with the new series (Il Giornale di AMD), it has become to all intents and purposes an open access scientific journal, distributed free to members. In 2016, the AMD Journal was transformed into JAMD with new graphics and structure, a dedicated Scientific Board was nominated, a code of ethics and new instructions for authors were defined, Open Access indexing (DOAJ was obtained, Directory of Open Access Journals) and the ISSN for online publication, the contents of the cover are licensed under Creative Commons; free online access is made available on a dedicated website. Since March 2017 JAMD has DOIs for published articles.

Aims and Scope
The JAMD is a journal intended for health professionals interested in the management of diabetes and metabolic diseases who intend to deepen and update their professional skills, learn about the results of medical-scientific research, and promote the best care for people with diabetes. To achieve these goals, the JAMD publishes articles of clinical interest, reviews, research, original case reports on the topics listed below. It also publishes statement, consensus report, guidelines, and executive summaries prepared by AMD or other scientific societies in the endocrine-metabolic area.

Themes addressed by the contributions published in the JAMD:

  • Clinic and therapy of diabetes and metabolic diseases
  • Clinical expertise
  • Therapeutic education 
  • Epidemiology
  • Clinical governance
  • HTA
  • Methodology and training
  • Quality of diabetes care
  • Regulations and health policies
  • Organization and care models
  • PDTA
  • Clinical research, healthcare, and translational research
  • AMD membership life

Types of articles:

  • Original articles
  • Congress Proceedings
  • Case reports
  • Technical-scientific documents
  • Editorials
  • Letters, Viewpoints and Comments
  • Linee-guida, Position statement e Documenti di consenso
  • Reviews
  • Symposia
  • Surveys

AMD News:

  • Activities of AMD regional chapter
  • Activities and news of the AMD groups
  • CDN News
  • News from literature
  • Annals Newsletter and AMD Research Network


AMD – Associazione Medici Diabetologi
Viale delle Milizie, 96 – 00192 Rome, Italy

Intellectual Property – All Rights Reserved

© AMD – Association of Diabetologists

The scientific contents (articles, reviews, studies, etc.) of the JAMD are available, unless otherwise indicated, under the Creative Commons license – NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Attribution (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). For more information on Creative Commons, please read this policy, adopted by JAMD. Please also see the Budapest Open Access Initiative’s definition of Open Access.



JAMD – The Journal of AMD
Viale delle Milizie, 96 – 00192 Rome, Italy



  • Fabio Baccetti
    UO Diabetologia e Malattie del Metabolismo, Area Massa e Carrara USL Toscana Nordovest
  • Mark Cooper
    Head of Dept. of Diabetes, Central Clinical School, Monash University Melbourne, Australia
  • Andrea Da Porto
    SOC Clinica Medica, Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Friuli Centrale Udine
  • Paolo Di Bartolo
    UO Diabetologia Ravenna, Dip Medicine Spec., AUSL della Romagna Ravenna
  • Maurizio Di Mauro
    Centro Diabetologico, Casa di cura Musumeci Gecas Catania
  • Marco Gallo
    SC Endocrinologia e Malattie Metaboliche AO Ss. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo, Alessandria
  • Karin Jandeleit-Dahm
    Dept. of Diabetes, Monash University Melbourne, Australia
  • Basilio Pintaudi
    Servizio di Diabetologia AO Ospedale Niguarda Ca’ Granda, Milano
  • Giuseppina Russo
    Dip. di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale Policlinico Universitario “G. Martino”, Messina

Publishing Executive

  • Enrico Sbandi (Napoli, Italy)

Editorial Coordination

Art director

  • Marta Monge (New York; USA)


Casa Editrice Idelson-Gnocchi srl
Via M. Pietravalle, 85
80131 Napoli, Italy
Email: info@idelsongnocchi.it

Online Edition

Infomedica (Torino)
Email: info@infomedica.com

JAMD – Registrazione del Tribunale di Napoli
n. 4982 del 17/07/1998
ISSN (online edition): 2532-4799

Il materiale pubblicato sulla copertina del JAMD è disponibile sotto licenza Creative Commons – Attribuzione 3.0 Unported.The images contained therein are owned by Marta Monge or The Noun Project platform (authors Miguel C. Balandrano, Oliviu Stoian, Megan Mitchell, hunotika) and modified by Marta Monge. All fonts used are freely available for use (SIL open font licence). As mentioned above, scientific contents (articles, reviews, studies, etc.) are also available, unless otherwise indicated, under the Creative Commons license – NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Attribution (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
